Sunday, November 25, 2012

No astrologer to accurately predict the results of the presidential election?

Overall, astrologers as well, if not better, than the winner of the election! Most predict the basic results of the consultation to be accurate, but some suspect the actual election event led to the victory of President Barack Obama.

Please pay attention to the short, five-minute video, U.S. President Barack Obama gratitude tearful thank his campaign staff, and told them, "All of you, I am really proud."

Please click on this link, the slide from the Huffington Post, a fabulous election night celebration.

According to astrologers predict Obama will be re-elected, one of the main reasons is the transit Neptune square Romney elders. They said, this influence is so harmful, it leads to deception, self-deception and confusion - and therefore, he must lose.

Neptune in the constellation of Ohio (1803 9am 30 minutes; Chillicothe, OH) plays a central role, because it is the planet that rules the Ohio sun to Pluto together in Pisces.

Located at 23 ยบ Scorpio Neptune prominent increase in a tight plum Ohio Moon. Neptune's influence over the citizens (Moon), provided with national trends, reminding us that no Republican president did not win Ohio, had a spiritual connection.

The brilliant Vedic astrologers,,, Madhavi Rathad reported:

The chart of the individual assessment of the election of the presidential candidates, Obama is a more powerful configuration Vedic astrology.

Obama and Romney are showing a combination of strong political astrology. However, the success of Obama, Biluomuni in his astrology chart shows a more powerful combination.

My astrology to predict that the 2012 election is November 6, Obama won the election, but it does not determine the result of the enormous complications.

In May last year, the American astrology conference, Obama is expected to become a winner. The same panel also accurately predicted U.S. President Barack Obama first victory in 2008:

USA Today reported that a group of 30 countries from around the world, 1,500 professional astrologers held in New Orleans, astrology conference in the United States, and the unanimous decision, President Obama will win the November presidential election.

In 2008, on the same panel accurately predict Obama will win the senior title over John • McCain (John McCain).

Exit, Romney / Ryan ticket

Another forecast accurately determine the results, rather than according to astrology, but in an unusual key factors: you are a dog lover to become President of the United States:

An unusual thing in common, the president of the United States - most of them are dog lovers, and almost all of them have some pets, horses, birds or cats.

Election melee? The infamous Mercury retrograde it?

Although the astrologers performed well, predict election results is unfounded predictions, the Mercury the election melee contend notorious retrograde.

As has been pointed out many times, from the peanut gallery in the corner, there is no way in the Mercury retrograde cause accidents, breakdowns or other issues, whether election-related or otherwise:

Mercury, the messenger of God, is now keen Sagittarius. Is it retrograde, the Election Day (Tuesday) afternoon 18 points (PST), but, I do not mind, many astrologers Mercury retrograde period is a time of high doom.

As much respect, because I for Wolfstar and other famous astrologer, they missed the boat on this one:

Many astrologers that Mercury is turning retrograde on Election Day, and therefore voting irregularities that may arise. This is more likely to stand by Neptune after a few days, while Mercury and Neptune square each other. The candidates are entering a photo finish.

Despite the forecast, there is no election melee ... unless you cast Romney!

Thank you for reading. Your opinion is to be applauded. Free subscription at any time, to share my. Namaste, and for all the blessings.

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